Updated on 2024/09/20


LEE Kyung Tae
Faculty of Commerce Professor
Other responsible organization
Commerce Course of Graduate School of Commerce, Master's Program
Commerce Course of Graduate School of Commerce, Doctoral Program
External link


  • 博士(経済学) ( 京都大学 )

  • 修士(経済学) ( 京都大学 )


  • 2008.1

    Kyoto University   doctor course   completed

  • 2007.3

    Kyoto University   doctor course   finished without a degree after completion of required course credits

  • 2004.3

    Kyoto University   master course   completed

Research History

  • 2022.4 - Now

    Toyo University   Faculty of Business Administration

  • 2022.4 - Now

    Chuo University   Faculty of Commerce   Professor

  • 2019.4 - 2022.3

    Toyo University   Faculty of Business Administration   Professor

  • 2019.4 - 2021.3

    Toyo University   Faculty of Business Administration, Department of Marketing

  • 2012.4 - 2019.3

    Toyo University   Faculty of Business Administration   Associate Professor

  • 2013.4 - 2014.3

    Nihon University   College of Commerce

  • 2007.4 - 2012.3

    Toyo University   Faculty of Business Administration

  • 2010.4 - 2011.3

    University of South Australia   客員研究員

  • 2009.4 - 2010.3

    Seijo University   Faculty of Social Innovation

  • 1999.10 - 2001.9

    韓国三菱商事株式会社   機械事業本部

▼display all

Professional Memberships

  • 2018.11 - Now


  • 2009.7 - Now


  • 2006.3 - Now


  • 2004.11 - Now


  • 2004.5 - Now


Research Interests

  • 製品・ブランド

  • マーケティング

  • 国際マーケティング

  • 消費者行動

  • Well-being

Research Areas

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Commerce


  • Exploring Subjective Happiness, Life Satisfaction, and Sustainable Luxury Consumption in China and Japan Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Reviewed International journal

    Kyung-Tae Lee, Hiroyasu Furukawa

    Administrative Sciences   13 ( 7 )   169.   2023.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted societies worldwide, leading to challenges in ensuring well-being and sustainability. In this context, it is essential to better understand consumer consciousness of pro-environmental products from the perspective of well-being. Therefore, our cross-national investigation aimed to explore the relationship between subjective well-being (SWB) and sustainable luxury consumption during the pandemic. We analyzed data from 800 respondents in China and Japan during the pandemic. Our findings, obtained through partial least squares structural equation modeling, reveal novel insights. First, SWB positively influences pro-environmental behavioral intentions, even in luxury fashion consumption. This highlights the potential for individuals to make sustainable choices, while indulging in luxury products. Additionally, we observed variations in the impact of subjective happiness and life satisfaction on luxury consumption between China and Japan. Specifically, the influence of subjective happiness was more pronounced in China than in Japan, indicating cultural distinctions in the relationship between well-being and luxury consumption. Moreover, our study identifies consumer novelty seeking as a mediator linking SWB to sustainable luxury consumption. This discovery provides a further understanding of the relationships explored in our study. These findings deepen our understanding of the interplay between well-being and sustainable luxury consumption, thereby informing strategies to promote pro-environmental behaviors in the luxury fashion sector.

    DOI: 10.3390/admsci13070169


  • Environmentally Friendly Materialism: How It Is Generated and How Luxury Apparel Addresses Environmental Problems Reviewed International journal

    Hiroyasu Furukawa, Kyung-Tae Lee

    Sustainability   15 ( 8 )   6703   2023.4

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.3390/su15086703


  • Feelings of Personal Relative Deprivation and Subjective Well-being in Japan Reviewed International journal

    Hiroshi Ohno, Kyung-Tae Lee, Takashi Maeno

    Behavioral Sciences   13 ( 2 )   158   2023.2

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Personal relative deprivation (PRD) refers to emotions of resentment and dissatisfaction caused by feeling deprived of a deserved outcome compared to some referent. While evidence suggests that relative deprivation based on objective data such as income affects well-being, subjective PRD has been less explored, especially in the East. This study evaluated the relationship between PRD and subjective well-being based on various aspects in the context of Japan. An online questionnaire survey, including the Japanese version of the Personal Relative Deprivation Scale (J-PRDS5) and various well-being indices, was administered to 500 adult participants, balanced for sex and age. Quantitative data analysis methods were used. PRD significantly correlated with subjective well-being as assessed by various aspects. Through mediation analysis, we found that a strong tendency to compare one's abilities with others may undermine subjective well-being through PRD. The results also indicated that well-developed human environments may be associated with the maintenance of subjective well-being levels, even when PRD is high. Toward developing future interventions to improve well-being and health, efforts must be undertaken in Japan to monitor PRD and further clarify the mechanism of the association between PRD and the factors that showed a strong relationship in this study.

    DOI: 10.3390/bs13020158


  • The Relationship between Platform Quality, Satisfaction, and Attitudinal Loyalty in Skill-Sharing Invited

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    The Economic Review   196 ( 4 )   57 - 70   2022.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • The Japanese Version of the Material Values Scale: Construct Assessment and Relationship with Age, Personality, and Subjective Well-Being Reviewed International journal

    Hiroshi Ohno, Kyung-Tae Lee, Takashi Maeno

    BMC Psychology   10 ( 1 )   200   2022.8

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  



    Materialism indicates the extent to which an individual’s life is focused on consumerism, or the acquisition of money and possessions. The Material Values Scale (MVS), comprising the factors “success,” “centrality,” and “happiness,” is a well-known rating scale for materialism. However, a Japanese version of the materialism scale has not yet been established, and the details of the factors and effects related to materialism have not yet been clarified in Japan. The purpose of this study is to develop and evaluate the Japanese version of the MVS (J-MVS).


    We developed the translated J-MVS using a back-translation process. To validate and evaluate the scale based on an online survey, we recruited 500 people, with 100 participants (50 men, 50 women) in five age groups, from 20 to 69 years. We compared and evaluated several factor structure models based on exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. To evaluate the external criterion-referenced validity of the developed J-MVS scale, we examined the relationship between age, personality, and well-being, which have shown stable relationships with materialism in previous studies.


    We developed two six-item dual-factor models. Both models showed significant positive correlations with social comparison orientation and neuroticism, and had significant negative correlations with various subjective well-being indices, suggesting sufficient external criterion-referenced validity. The J-MVS comprising six positive-worded items (J-MVS-P6; without any reverse-worded items) showed a higher correlation with other indicators than the version comprising six items representing all item types and was considered to have higher external criterion-referenced validity.


    We propose the J-MVS-P6 for use as a materialism scale in Japan. Compared with the findings from other countries, materialism in Japan may be more closely related to subjective well-being. This scale may be used to examine the effectiveness of various intervention methods for improving individuals’ happiness, based on changes in factors closely related to materialism in Japan.

    DOI: 10.1186/s40359-022-00889-3


    Other Link: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1186/s40359-022-00889-3/fulltext.html

  • How Are Material Values and Voluntary Simplicity Lifestyle Related to Attitudes and Intentions toward Commercial Sharing during the COVID-19 Pandemic? Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Sustainability   14 ( 13 )   7812   2022.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This paper attempts to elucidate how material values (MV) and voluntary simplicity lifestyle (VSL) are related to Japanese consumers’ attitudes and intentions toward commercial sharing during the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper provides the following findings by employing the two-step structural equation modeling (SEM) approach to analyze the data (n = 750) collected in Japan during the pandemic from people with no experience in commercial sharing. (1) MV has a positive effect on attitudes. (2) VSL is divided into “simplicity,” “long-term usage,” and “planned buying.” (3) Simplicity and planned buying are negatively related to MV, but long-term usage is not significantly related to MV. (4) Simplicity and long-term usage significantly affect attitudes, whereas planned buying does not. (5) Attitudes and subjective norms have positive effects on intentions. Consequently, two conflicting consumption orientations, MV and VSL, positively affect consumers’ responses toward commercial sharing in a pandemic context. The author suggests that although the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic exists now, the sharing economy can still contribute to enhancing sustainability and alleviating technological inequality by attracting people with different values and lifestyles.

    DOI: 10.3390/su14137812


  • Interpersonal Influence on the Access-based Consumption and the Moderating Roles of Age, Gender, and Income Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Product Development and Management   18 ( 2 )   2 - 19   2022.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  • Effects of Voluntary Simplicity on Continuous Intention to Use Car Sharing Services: Examining the Mediating Role of Perceived Benefits Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Distribution Studies   49   15 - 30   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society for Distributive Sciences  

    DOI: 10.14904/jsds.2021.49_15


  • Collaborative Consumption and Sharing Economy: A Conceptual Review

    Lee Kyung Tae

    KEIEIRONSHU (Journal of Business Administration)   97   47 - 69   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Faculty of Business Administration, Toyo University  

    File: 李キョンテ(2021)コラボ消費の概念と多源性に関する一考察_シェアリングエコノミーと関連して.pdf


  • Effects of Materialism and Exploratory Tendencies on Intention to Participate in Apparel Subscription Service Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae LEE, Hiroyasu FURUKAWA

    The Journal of Japan Society for Distributive Sciences   47   59 - 72   2020.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society for Distributive Sciences  

    DOI: 10.14904/jsds.2020.47_59


  • Effects of Cosmopolitanism on Variety Seeking and Novelty Seeking: An Empirical Study Based on the Theory of Optimum Stimulation Level Reviewed

    Hiroyasu Furukawa, Kyung Tae Lee

    Journal of International Business   12 ( 2 )   35 - 47   2020.10

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.15050/jaibs.12.2_35


  • Effects of E-Service Quality on Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions toward Internet Shopping Malls: An Integrative Assessment Incorporating Customer to Customer Know-How Exchange Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Distribution Studies: The Journal of Japan Society for Distributive Sciences   45   33 - 46   2019.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In the context of internet shopping malls in Japan, the current study examines the effects of multi-dimensional e-service quality and customer to customer know-how exchange (CCKE) on customer responses including satisfaction, repurchase intention, and word-of-mouth intention. Carrying out PLS-SEM with data from 250 online customers, the study finds that there are three significant patterns of relationships between exogenous and endogenous constructs: (1) Security/privacy and price offerings/timeliness of delivery predict satisfaction and repurchase intention; (2) information and aesthetics predict word-of-mouth intention; (3) ease-of-use and CCKE predict all customer responses. On the basis of these findings, theoretical and managerial implications are discussed.

    File: 李炅泰(2019)Eサービス品質がインターネット・ショッピング・モールに対する満足と意図に及ぼす影響J_stage流通45号.pdf

    DOI: 10.14904/jsds.2019.45_33


  • Effects of Voluntary Simplicity and Materialism on Life Satisfaction Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Product Development and Management   16 ( 1 )   3 - 20   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The current study investigates the impacts of two antithetical constructs with respect to material consumption, that is, voluntary simplicity (VS) and materialism (MAT), on life satisfaction (LS). Data was collected from 250 Japanese consumers through internet survey and then subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, consequently extracting three factors from VS including ‘simple living’, ‘frugal living’ and ‘planned buying’, and two factors from MAT including ‘pursuit of material affluence’ and ‘desire for material happiness’. Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM), subsequently, this study finds that VS and MAT have various relationships with LS, depending on their dimensions: For VS, while simple living had a significant and positive relation with LS, other VS factors such as frugal living and planned buying did not have any significant relation with LS. For MAT, on the other hand, whereas desire for material happiness affluence was negatively related with LS, pursuit of material affluence was positively related with LS. Furthermore, VS and MAT were negatively but partially correlated, implying that the two constructs could be independent in part. On the basis of these findings, contributions and implications are discussed.

    File: 李炅泰(2019)消費者の自発的簡素と物質主義が生活満足度に及ぼす影響.pdf


  • Consumer Materialism: A Literature Review of Its Antecedents and Consequences

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Business Administration   93   45 - 63   2019.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  

    File: 李炅泰(2019)消費者マテリアリズムの先行要因と結果に関する一考察.pdf


  • Determinants of Loyalty Intention for Luxury Fashion Goods and the Mediating Role of Satisfaction: An Empirical Study Using PLS-SEM

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Business Administration   92   55 - 68   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)  


  • Effects of Luxury Values on Japanese Consumers’ Satisfaction and Repurchase Intentions: The Moderating Role of Frugality Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Multinational Enterprise Academy Journal   11   26 - 44   2018.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The global acceleration of the democratization of luxury has helped to progress the combination of luxury consumption and frugality, which appear to be, at first glance, contradictory. Existing research however, has paid little empirical attention to such a phenomenon. This study, therefore, examines the moderating role of frugality on the causal relations of perceived luxury values, satisfaction and repurchase intentions, focusing on Japanese consumers who own luxury fashion goods. The findings show that while frugal consumers attach greater weight to utilitarian than hedonic luxury value, non-frugal consumers give much weight to hedonic luxury value. On the other hand, it is also found that symbolic luxury value does not have a significant relation with the level of frugality. On the basis of these findings, the concluding section discusses academic and managerial implications.

    File: 最終原稿_李炅泰(2018)ラグジュアリー消費における知覚価値と倹約志向の相互作用_ラグジュアリーブランド品を所有する日本人を対象に.pdf


  • Effects of Materialism on Luxury Consumption Related Subjective Well-Being Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Product Development and Management   14 ( 1 )   3 - 20   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The current study investigates not only the causal relationship between materialism (MAT) and luxury consumption related subjective well-being (LC_SWB), but also the moderating effect that consumer susceptibility to normative influence (SNI) has upon the relationship between MAT and LC_SWB. Data were gathered from 400 luxury fashion brand owners in Japan, and then subjected to a factor analysis and a multiple regression analysis. This study found a positive relationship between MAT and subjective well-being in the context of luxury consumption. Furthermore, SNI was found to moderate the relationship between MAT and LC_SWB significantly. When the level of SNI is average or low, MAT has a positive impact on LC_SWB. In contrast, MAT does not relate to LC_SWB significantly when the level of SNI is high. On the basis of these findings, theoretical contributions and practical implications are discussed.

    File: 最終原稿_Researchgate用.pdf


  • A memory theory perspective of consumer ethnocentrism and animosity Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Richard Lee, Kyung-Tae Lee, Jianyao Li

    European Journal of Marketing   51 ( 7-8 )   1266 - 1285   2017.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Emerald Publishing  

    Purpose - This study contends that consumer ethnocentrism and animosity rest on semantic and episodic memory, respectively. It further examines how the influence of consumer ethnocentrism and animosity on consumer boycott behaviour may vary over time and use the memory theory to explain these temporal differences.
    Design/methodology/approach - Part 1 involved an experiment to demonstrate the relationship between consumer ethnocentrism/animosity and semantic/episodic memory. To determine the temporal characteristics of consumer ethnocentrism and animosity, Part 2 involved two quantitative surveys (one each in China and Japan), followed by another two surveys six months later.
    Findings - Part 1 showed that consumer ethnocentrism and animosity were underpinned by semantic and episodic memory, respectively. Consistent with memory theory, Part 2 found that consumer ethnocentrism was temporally more stable than animosity. Consumer animosity influenced boycott behaviour during but not after the dispute, whereas consumer ethnocentrism influenced boycott behaviour during as well as the dispute. Finally, consumer ethnocentrism was antecedent to consumer animosity, siding with the relationship between semantic and episodic memory.
    Research limitations/implications - Limited to two countries, both with collectivistic culture. A longitudinal approach over multiple phases would further enhance the robustness of the findings.
    Practical implications - Understanding the psychological underpinning of consumer ethnocentrism and animosity would allow firms to develop effective marketing strategies to appeal to consumers' ethnocentric and animosity dispositions.
    Originality/value - The first study to examine the psychological underpinnings of consumer ethnocentrism and animosity by drawing on the memory theory.

    DOI: 10.1108/EJM-03-2014-0188

    Web of Science


  • Effects of Social Norms on Japanese Consumers' Ethnocentric Tendencies Reviewed

    19 ( 1 )   53 - 66   2016.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.5844/jsmd.19.1_53

    CiNii Books


  • Effects of Ambush Marketing in the Context of Low Event-Sponsor Fit

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Business Administration   86   47 - 58   2015.11

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  • Effects of Animosity and Subjective Norm on Chinese Consumers' Willingness to Buy Japanese Products Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Product Development and Management   11 ( 2 )   25 - 43   2015.3

  • Economic Nationalism and Globalization in South Korea: A Critical Insight Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Youil Lee, Kyung-Tae Lee

    Asian Perspective   39 ( 1 )   125 - 151   2015.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:The Johns Hopkins University Press  

    DOI: 10.1353/apr.2015.0012


  • Effects of Sport Identification in Sport Sponsorship and Cause-Related Marketing Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Journal of Marketing & Distribution   17 ( 1 )   51 - 73   2014.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Marketing and DIstribution  

    DOI: 10.5844/jsmd.17.1_51


  • Effects of Informational Influence and Normative Influence on Consumers' Preference for Domestic Products: An Empirical Study on Korean Consumers' Preference for Domestic Cars Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee, You-il Lee

    MNE Academy Journal   7 ( 7 )   41 - 62   2014.7

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In the area of international marketing, extant research has examined consumers’ preference for domestic products mainly in terms of attitudinal dispositions, such as consumer ethnocentrism, economic nationalism, consumer patriotism and the like. In contrast, this study explores the impacts of susceptibility to interpersonal influence consisting of susceptibility to informational influence (SII) and susceptibility to normative influence (SNI), on consumers’ preference for domestic products in the context of Korean consumers’ preference for domestic cars. <br />
    The interviews were conducted in Seoul, Korea, where 200 questionnaires were completed and then analyzed using structural equation modeling [Amos 16], in order to test five hypotheses and three structural models.<br />
    The findings show that SII has a significantly positive impact on consumers’ preference for domestic cars, whereas SNI does not. Furthermore, it is found that SII and SNI are discriminant and at the same time exert reciprocally positive influence, consequently revealing that SNI is completely mediated by SII in the impact on preference for domestic cars. Based on these findings, the concluding section discusses academic and managerial implications.

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://www.mne-jp.org/pdf/7/3.pdf

  • Economic Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism: A Study of Interpersonal Antecedents and Differential Outcomes Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Kyung-Tae Lee, Youil Lee, Richard Lee

    European Journal of Marketing   48 ( 5-6 )   1133 - 1158   2014.5

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Emerald Publishing  

    Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the differential influences of economic nationalism (EN) and cosmopolitanism (COS) on consumer behaviour, and how the two concepts are underpinned by different (normative versus informational) interpersonal influences.
    Design/methodology/approach - Surveys took place in two countries, South Korea (n = 257) and Taiwan (n = 258). Both are rapidly developing economies with a cosmopolitan consumer base. Two products, one representing conspicuous and one representing non-conspicuous categories, were used in each country's survey. The data were subjected to exploratory and confirmation factor analyses and fitted using structural equation modelling.
    Findings - Contrary to past studies, EN and COS were unrelated. Economic nationalism was strong and biased towards domestic products. The results also suggest that COS may be related to bias against domestic products. EN related strongly to normative influence, whereas COS rested on informational influence. The results were similar across the countries and the product types.
    Research limitations/implications - Economic nationalism and COS may coexist as consumer dispositions and their relative salience may vary across individuals. Foreign firms should not overlook consumers' nationalistic sentiment, just as domestic firms may capitalise on it. Both foreign and domestic firms can capitalise on consumer nationalism by highlighting benefits such as domestic employment and wealth creation.
    Practical implications - EN and COS may coexist as consumer dispositions, and their relative salience may vary across individuals. When managing their brand portfolio, foreign firms would benefit from considering consumers' nationalistic sentiment, just as domestic firms may capitalise on it. Both foreign and domestic firms can capitalise on consumer nationalism by highlighting social benefits such as domestic employment and wealth creation.
    Originality/value - This study brings research on EN and COS from a macro/country level to a micro/individual level. It provides theoretical and empirical insights on the differential influences of EN and COS on consumer behaviour and sheds light on their psychological underpinnings.

    DOI: 10.1108/EJM-02-2011-0068

    Web of Science


  • The longitudinal effects of a two-dimensional consumer animosity Reviewed International coauthorship International journal

    Richard Lee, Kyung Tae Lee

    Journal of Consumer Marketing   30 ( 3 )   273 - 282   2013.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Purpose: Consumer animosity is often used to explain consumers' boycott of products from a foreign country in a dispute. However, these studies are mainly cross-sectional. The purpose of this paper is to investigate temporal changes in two distinct consumer-animosity dimensions - i.e. historical and contemporary - and their influences on judgment of and willingness-to-buy foreign products. Design/methodology/approach: Sampling came from a mall-intercept survey in Japan during the height of a recent Japan-China dispute (n=139), followed by a similar survey six months later (n=157). Identical questionnaires tapped Japanese consumers' historical animosity (HA), contemporary animosity (CA) and ethnocentrism dispositions, and judgment of and willingness to buy Chinese products. The data were fitted using structural equation modelling. Findings: The results indicate that both CA and HA lowered willingness to buy Chinese products during, but not after, the dispute. CA was consistently stronger than HA in influencing willingness to buy. By contrast, product judgment did not influence willingness to buy during the dispute. That is, animosity dispositions overshadowed objective product evaluation during the dispute. After the dispute, only product judgment directly influenced willingness to buy, and HA indirectly influenced willingness to buy via product judgment. CA weakened after the dispute, but HA remained stable over time. Product judgment was lower during the dispute. Consumer ethnocentrism interacted only with CA during but not after the dispute. Practical implications: International dispute heightens the salience of present-day issues such as unemployment rather than of historical conflicts. Although product judgment was affected, the downside to foreign firms is temporary. Domestic firms can only take short-term advantage, but long-term edge remains improving product judgment. Originality/value: Despite extensive research into the influence of consumer animosity on consumer behaviour, surprisingly little research has attempted to investigate the temporal characteristics of the consumer animosity, let alone investigate its distinct dimensions. In this study, the authors attempt to show that unless one considers the potential temporal changes to individual consumer-animosity dimensions, sweeping conclusions from single-shot studies may yield an incomplete picture and even misguide managerial initiatives.

    DOI: 10.1108/07363761311328946



  • Impact of Consumer Ethnocentrism and Materialism on Product Judgment and Buying Intention: Reviewed

    Lee Kyung-Tae

    Journal of Marketing & Distribution   14 ( 1 )   35 - 51   2012.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)   Publisher:Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution  

    DOI: 10.5844/jsmd.14.1_35

    CiNii Books


  • The Role of Consumers' Demographic Characteristics and Intercultural Experiences in Predicting Cosmopolitan Tendency

    LEE Kyung-Tae

    Journal of business administration   第78号   189 - 198   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Toyo University  

    CiNii Books


  • Animosity, Materialism and Consumer Guilt : Korean Consumers' Evaluation of Japanese Products Reviewed

    4 ( 4 )   119 - 137   2011.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://www.mne-jp.org/pdf/4/4-8.pdf

  • A Survey on Actual Conditions Regarding the Use and Outcome of Positive Country-of-Origin Information of Brand and Produc

    LEE Kyung-Tae

    Journal of business administration   75 ( 75 )   85 - 98   2010.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Toyo University  

    CiNii Books


  • Brand Building and Entry Performance of Foreign Firms in Japan

    LEE Kyung-Tae

    Journal of business administration   74 ( 74 )   75 - 89   2009.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Toyo University  

    CiNii Books


  • A Literature Review of Country-of-Origin Effects

    LEE Kyung-Tae

    Journal of business administration   71 ( 71 )   55 - 70   2008.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Toyo University  

    CiNii Books


  • 複合的原産地情報が消費者の製品評価に与える影響


    博士学位申請論文   2007.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Doctoral thesis  


  • A review of strategic implications for country-of-origin effects Reviewed

    176 ( 1 )   32 - 48   2007.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.14989/151163

    CiNii Books


    Other Link: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/151163

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  • 商品開発・管理の挑戦—デザイン、ラグジュアリー、ブランド、社会課題―

    李炅泰( Role: Contributor第6章 ラグジュアリー消費は幸せをもたらすのか)

    晃洋書房  2023.8  ( ISBN:9784771037748

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    Responsible for pages:91-106   Book type:Scholarly book


  • 現代流通事典[第3版](分担執筆:2‐7 市場調査と新製品開発)

    李炅泰, 坂爪浩史監修, 日本流通学会編集( Role: Contributor2‐7 市場調査と新製品開発)

    白桃書房  2023.3  ( ISBN:9784561652434

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    Book type:Dictionary, encyclopedia


  • 現代マーケティング研究の潮流

    李炅泰( Role: Contributor第1章 負の対日感情は不買意欲を高めるのか?~中国を例に~)

    中央経済社  2016.11  ( ISBN:9784502200014

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    Book type:Scholarly book


  • マーケティングコミュニケーション

    李炅泰( Role: Contributor第5章ブランド・コミュニケーション)

    五弦舎  2009.3  ( ISBN:9784901810791

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    Book type:Textbook, survey, introduction



  • How do affinity and animosity impact fashion brands’ engagement? Reviewed

    Miao Miao, Shinichiro Terasaki, Kyung-Tae Lee

    Proceedings of 2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan   249 - 250   2024.7

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    Authorship:Last author   Language:Venda   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • ECモールに対するユーザーの評価と選択:「楽天市場」を中心に Invited

    75 ( 1 )   49 - 58   2023.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)   Publisher:Chuo Univiersity  


  • Does Voluntary Simplicity Matter in Online Shopping Behaviour? Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Proceedings of 53rd International Business Research Conference   2019.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • Materialism and Subjective Norm: Emerging-Market Consumers’ Responses toward Developed-Market Products Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    Proceedings of 2016 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations in Beijing   2016.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • The Effects of Animosity and Social Norm on Japanese Consumers' Response towards Chinese Product Reviewed

    Kyung-Tae Lee, Richard Lee

    Proceedings of 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul   2012.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper, summary (international conference)  


  • 原産地情報の分解、ブランド名、価格が消費者の製品評価に及ぼす影響


    第40次吉田秀雄記念事業財団研究助成論文   2007.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publisher:吉田秀雄記念事業財団  


▼display all


  • How do affinity and animosity impact fashion brands’ engagement?

    Kyung-Tae Lee (co-authored by Miao Miao and Shinichiro Terasaki)

    2024 Global Fashion Management Conference at Milan  2024.7 

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    Event date: 2024.7    

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 処理流暢性が店舗内消費者行動に及ぼす影響

    井上真里, 李炅泰, 李振

    日本商業学会 関東部会 2022年7月部会研究会  ( 慶応義塾大学 )   2022.7  日本商業学会

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    Event date: 2022.7    

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Effects of Materialistic Tendencies on Japanese Consumers’ Intentions towards Collaborative Consumption for Fashion Products

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    2021 Fall Conference of Korean Academy of International Business  2021.11 

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    Event date: 2021.11    

    Language:Korean   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • An Investigation into the Determinants of Satisfaction on Collaborative Consumption: The Case of Apparel and Consumer Electronics

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    2021.10  Japan Society for Distributive Sciences

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    Event date: 2021.10 -  

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Japan  


  • Roles of e-Service and eWOM on Online Channel

    Kyung-Tae Lee


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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Does Voluntary Simplicity Matter in Online Shopping Behaviour? International conference

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    53rd International Business Research Conference  ( Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne, Australia )   2019.11 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Australia  


  • 何がグローバル・ラグジュアリー・ブランドのロイヤルティ意図を規定するのか?:PLS-SEMによる実証分析


    多国籍企業学会 第11回全国大会  ( 関西大学 )   2018.7  多国籍企業学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • Predictors of Japanese Consumers' Satisfaction with Luxury Fashion Goods International conference

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    2018 Asia-Pacific Academy of International Business (APAIB) – United Nation (UN) Academic Impact Joint Conference  2018.6 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Japan  


  • Does Perceived Social Pressure Affect Chinese Consumers’ Buying Intention towards Japanese Products? International conference

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    2017 International Conference of Korean Academy of International Business(KAIB) & Korean Academy of International Business Management(KAIBM)  2017.6 

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Japan  


  • Materialism and Subjective Norm: Emerging-Market Consumers’ Responses toward Developed-Market Products International conference

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    2016 International Conference of Asian Marketing Associations in Beijing  2016.10 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:China  


  • Role of Guilt in Mediating the Effects of Consumer Animosity on Buying Intention International conference

    Kyung-Tae Lee

    10th Asia-Pacific Business and Humanities Conference  ( Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia )   2016.2 

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 負の対日感情は購買意図に影響するのか?~中国消費者を対象に~


    多国籍企業学会第50回東部10月例会  ( 立教大学 )   2015.10  多国籍企業学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • マテリアリズムとアニモシティが外国製品の評価に及ぼす影響


    多国籍企業学会第32回東部部会例会  ( 立教大学 )   2012.10  多国籍企業学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • The Effects of Animosity and Social Norm on Japanese Consumers' Response towards Chinese Product International conference


    The 2012 Global Marketing Conference at Seoul (Program Track: Japanese Perspectives on Value Creation in Marketing and Consumer Behavior)  ( COEX in Seoul )   2012.7  Global Alliance of Marketing & Management Associations

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    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)   Country:Korea, Republic of  


  • ソーシャル・ノルムとアニモシティ:日本製品に対する中国消費者の購買意向への働き


    日本商業学会関東部会11月研究会  ( 日本大学 )   2011.11  日本商業学会

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    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • ブランド原産地情報と製品原産地情報の働きに関する比較分析~マーケティング実務者の視点から~


    多国籍企業学会第15回東部部会例回  ( 明治大学 )   2009.11  多国籍企業学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 原産地効果に対する企業側の認識


    日本商業学会第59回全国大会ワークショップ  ( 関西大学 )   2009.5  日本商業学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 日本企業のグローバル・ブランド競争力~デジタル家電を中心としたサムスン電子との比較~


    東洋大学経営力創成研究センター第13回シンポジウム: 日本企業の経営・マーケティングの競争力~アジア企業との国際比較~  ( 東洋大学 )   2008.12  東洋大学経営力創成研究センター

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  • 原産地関連情報の処理における知識水準の影響


    日本広告学会関西部会  ( 宝塚造形芸術大学・大学院梅田キャンパス )   2008.1  日本広告学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 複合的原産地情報とブランド名が信念および態度に及ぼす影響


    日本広告学会第37回全国大会  ( 専修大学 )   2006.11  日本広告学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  • 使用経験が原産地効果に及ぼす影響


    日本商業学会第56回全国大会ワークショップ・ヤングセッション  ( 横浜国立大学 )   2006.5  日本商業学会

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    Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


▼display all


  • 2020 Best Paper Award

    2020.9   Association of Product Development and Management   Effects of Voluntary Simplicity and Materialism on Life Satisfaction

    Kyung Tae Lee

  • 2018 Best Paper Award

    2018.8   Association of Product Development and Management   Effects of Materialism on Luxury Consumption Related Subjective Well-Being

    Kyung-Tae Lee

  • 平成27年度優秀論文賞

    2015.6   商品開発・管理学会   「中国消費者にみるアニモシティと主観的規範の影響~日本製品に対する購買意欲を中心に~」『商品開発・管理研究』11(2), 25-43, 2015年3月.


  • 2012年度多国籍企業学会・学会賞(論文の部)

    2012.7   多国籍企業学会   「アニモシティ、マテリアリズム、ギルト~韓国消費者の日本製品評価について~」『多国籍企業研究』4, 119-137, 2011年6月.


  • 第5回「助成研究論文吉田秀雄賞(平成18年度研究助成)」大学院生の部・奨励賞

    2007.11   吉田英雄記念事業財団   「原産地情報の分解、ブランド名、価格が消費者の製品評価に及ぼす影響~効果的な広告戦略の立案に向けて~」


Research Projects

  • 処理流暢性が消費者購買行動に及ぼす影響ー多様なデータに基づく洞察ー

    2022.6 - 2024.3

    関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構  2022年度関西大学ソシオネットワーク戦略研究機構 共同利用・共同研究拠点事業  関西大学; 中央大学

    井上真里, 李振, 李炅泰

      More details



  • Antecedents and Consequences of Collaborative Consumption in the Sharing Economy

    Grant number:19K01968  2019.4 - 2023.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)  Toyo University

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount: \2860000 ( Direct Cost: \2200000 、 Indirect Cost: \660000 )


  • A joint Australia-Japan symposium on cybersecurity expertise and practices

    2022.1 - 2022.6

    Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF)  2021-22 Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) Grant Round  University of South Australia, National Institute of Informatics

    Richard Lee, Raymond Choo, Hiroki Takakura, Kyung-Tae Lee

      More details



  • The Impact of Economic Nationalism and Market Globalisation on Consumer Behaviour: Case of Korea

    2010.9 - 2011.8

    Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia  Research Grant by Centre for Asian Business  Centre for Asian Business

    Kyung-Tae Lee, You-il Lee, Dr. Richard Lee

      More details

  • I Don’t Like You, but I Like Your Products: The Conflicting Relationships among Consumer Animosity, Ethnocentrism, and Materialism

    2010.8 - 2011.7

    Centre for Asian Business, University of South Australia  Research Grant by Centre for Asian Business  Centre for Asian Business

    Richard Lee, Kyung-Tae Lee

      More details

  • Perceptions and Responses of Marketers to Country-of-Origin Effects.

    Grant number:19830065  2007.10 - 2009.3

    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research  若手研究(スタートアップ)  東洋大学

    Kyungtae LEE

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount: \2811000 ( Direct Cost: \2460000 、 Indirect Cost: \351000 )


  • 原産地情報の分解、ブランド名、価格が消費者の製品評価に及ぼす影響~効果的な広告戦略の立案に向けて~

    2006.4 - 2007.3



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    Authorship:Principal investigator  Grant type:Competitive


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Allotted class

  • 2024   SeminarⅠ   Department

  • 2024   SeminarⅡ   Department

  • 2024   SeminarⅢ   Department

  • 2024   SeminarⅣ   Department

  • 2024   Seminar Thesis   Department

  • 2024   New Product Development   Department

  • 2024   Seminar Ⅰ   Department

  • 2024   Seminar Ⅱ   Department

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management (SeminarⅠ)   Graduate school

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management (SeminarⅡ)   Graduate school

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management Ⅰ   Graduate school

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management Ⅱ   Graduate school

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management Ⅲ   Graduate school

  • 2024   Product and Brand Management Ⅰ   Graduate school

▼display all

Teaching Experience

  • 製品開発論

    2022.9 - Now   Institution:中央大学商学部

  • 演習Ⅰ(製品開発論)

    2022.4 - Now   Institution:中央大学大学院商学研究科

  • 演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ

    2022.4 - Now   Institution:中央大学商学部

  • 課題演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    2022.4 - Now   Institution:中央大学商学部

  • 製品開発論Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    2022.4 - Now   Institution:中央大学大学院商学研究科

  • グローバル・マーケティング特論A・B

    2011.4 - Now   Institution:東洋大学大学院

  • ブランド戦略

    2009.9 - 2024.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 製品戦略論

    2009.4 - 2023.8   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 総合講座(商学部メジャー探検講座)

    2023.4 - 2023.7   Institution:中央大学商学部

  • 基礎セミナー(商業学)

    2023.4 - 2023.7   Institution:中央大学大学院商学研究科

  • 演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ

    2008.4 - 2023.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 基礎演習Ⅰ・Ⅱ

    2007.4 - 2021.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • マーケティング論

    2007.4 - 2021.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 現代のマーケティング

    2007.9 - 2019.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 基礎実習講義

    2008.4 - 2018.4   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • グローバル・マーケティング論

    2007.4 - 2016.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 製品・ブランド戦略

    2013.9 - 2014.3   Institution:日本大学商学部

  • ゼミナールⅠ・Ⅱ

    2013.4 - 2014.3   Institution:日本大学商学部

  • 国際マーケティング論

    2007.4 - 2014.3   Institution:東洋大学経営学部

  • 商学Ⅱ

    2013.4 - 2013.8   Institution:日本大学商学部

  • 消費行動論

    2009.9 - 2010.3   Institution:成城大学社会イノベーション学部

  • マーケティング論

    2009.4 - 2009.8   Institution:成城大学社会イノベーション学部

▼display all

Committee Memberships

  • 2023.11 - Now

    日本流通学会   学会誌編集委員  

  • 2023.8 - Now

    商品開発・管理学会   理事・学会誌編集委員  

  • 2023.7 - Now

    多国籍企業学会   東部部会幹事  

  • 2022.12 - 2023.11

    日本流通学会   2023全国大会プログラム委員会委員  

  • 2013.11 - 2019.10

    日本広告学会   学会賞委員会委員  

Academic Activities

  • The Special Issue on Cybersecurity in the Higher Education Sector: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices International contribution

    Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Review, evaluation

    Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, Hiroki Takakura, Richard Lee, Kyung-Tae Lee  ( Organizational Cybersecurity Journal: Practice, Process and People ) 2022.11 - 2024.5

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    Type:Scientific advice/Review 

    While malicious cyber activities continue to occur frequently across all types of businesses and organizations, universities have also been affected by a fair share of such incidents. These episodes may relate directly to the university business, such as the recent breach of exam software and student records in Australia (see this article on SBS News, August 2020). They may also extend to external private or public organizations, such as the potential compromise to Japan’s maritime strategy via information on university servers (see this article on Nikkei Asia, Sep 2018). This unwelcome and even dangerous situation indicates that much work is still needed to understand and develop safe and effective cybersecurity practices within the university sector.

    Cybersecurity is particularly important in higher education institutions. The environment of these institutions is necessarily fairly “free and open” in order to encourage learning and experimentation. Universities hold precious data, including emails, personal information, sensitive research data (e.g., COVID-19 vaccination) and intellectual properties. The majority of the users of university systems are students, who usually possess and use their own computing devices to access university systems. In additional, universities often host visitors. These users may have different levels of knowledge or understanding about cybersecurity, thereby making university systems vulnerable. As such, cybercriminals have identified universities as soft targets, with cyberattacks against the university sector on the rise over the past few years. Worse, as universities are often interconnected to other universities, private or public organizations, a breach in any one of these nodes could have devastating chain-effects on the other nodes.
    In short, universities are being exposed to three key areas of cybersecurity concerns: loss of confidential data, loss of data integrity, and loss of access or availability. The compromise of any of these three components can result in losses of money, time, or reputation. The issues of cybersecurity are no longer confined only to IT personnel and engineers. The problem is not just within the domain of private firms and public organizations. Higher education institutions are increasingly affected by the issues that plagued other organizations.

    In response to these challenges, the Special Issue on Cybersecurity in the Higher Education Sector: Challenges, Solutions and Best Practices seeks contributions from researchers across a wide range of topics of critical concerns and interests, specifically within the higher education domain. These topics, both empirical or theoretical, include but are not limited to the following.

    Given the necessary openness of higher educational institutions, what defensive tools or mechanisms are effective against cybersecurity threats?
    What are the trade-offs between security, costs, and usability?
    What forms of cyber hygiene training for faculty, staff, students, and visitors may improve cybersecurity?
    How effective are applications of technologies or techniques (digital forensics, artificial Intelligence, game theory, etc.) for cybercrime detection/prevention in higher educational institutions?
    What are the issues related to the measurements and management of incident response, investigation and evidence handling?
    What roles do countering espionage and foreign forces play in cybersecurity within higher educational institutions?
    How can higher educational institutions improve their cyber resilience?


    November 1, 2022 - Submission system opens for research paper
    March 30, 2023 - Submission deadline for research papers
    June 30, 2023 - first review round completed
    September 30, 2023 - revised manuscripts due
    December 20, 2023 - Final decision sent to authors
    January 25, 2024 - Final manuscript submitted
    May 2024 - Publication of Special Issue


  • 日本流通学会第37回全国大会統一論題「質的・量的流通研究の新たな進展」

    Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    日本流通学会  2023.11    

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    Type:Academic society, research group, etc. 


  • Cybersecurity in Education International contribution

    Role(s): Planning, management, etc., Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    National Institute of Informatics & University of South Australia  2022.5    

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc. 
