Commerce Course of Graduate School of Commerce, Doctoral Program
Policy Studies Course of Graduate School of Policy Studies, Master's Program
Updated on 2025/02/22
Ph.D. Economics ( University of Tsukuba )
修士(経営科学) ( 筑波大学 )
University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Social Engineering Socio-Economic Planning Sciences doctor course completed
University of Tsukuba Graduate School, Division of Business Administration and Economic Policy master course completed
Kobe University Faculty of Engineering graduated
大阪府立四條畷高等学校 graduated
2007.4 -
Chuo University 商学部 教授
2001.4 - 2007.3
Chuo University 商学部 助教授
2000.4 - 2001.3
Chuo University 商学部 専任講師
1999.10 - 2000.3
University of California, Berkeley Visiting Scholar
Small Business
Business Economics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy / Economic policy
Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration / 経営学
Who is willing to be rich and king? Founder-CEOs’ IPO and M&A intentions Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato, Hidenori Takahashi
Journal of Small Business Management 63 ( 2 ) 528 - 557 2025.2
The gender gap in the first deal: Equity split among founding teams Reviewed International journal
Hidenori Takahashi, Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
Journal of Banking and Finance 168 ( 107272 ) 2024.11
Target for campaign success: An empirical analysis of equity crowdfunding in Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Koki Kurihara
Journal of Technology Transfer 49 ( 3 ) 926 - 958 2024.6
Does risk aversion affect individuals’ actions and interests in angel investing? Empirical evidence from Japan. Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Kenta Ikeuchi, Hiroki Nakamura
Japan and the World Economy 70 ( 101253 ) 2024.6
The effect of physical collateral and personal guarantees on business startups Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Arito Ono, Daisuke Tsuruta
Journal of Economics and Business 130 ( 106172 ) 2024.5
Outside or inside the firm? The impact of debt financing on the exit routes of start‑up firms Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Yunosuke Iwaki, Masatoshi Kato
Small Business Economics 2024
Graduation of initial public offering firms from junior stock markets: evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Koki Kurihara
Small Business Economics 60 ( 2 ) 813 - 841 2023.2
Initial funding and founders’ human capital: An empirical analysis using multiple surveys for start-up firms Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Charee Kwak, Hirofumi Uchida
Japan and the World Economy 63 ( 101145 ) 2022.9
Does patenting always help new firm survival? Understanding heterogeneity among exit routes Reviewed International journal
Masatoshi Kato, Koichiro Onishi, Yuji Honjo
Small Business Economics 59 ( 2 ) 449 - 475 2022.8
The mediating effect of financial motives in the association between entrepreneurial experience and subjective well-being: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Kenta Ikeuchi, Hiroki Nakamura
Applied Research in Quality of Life 17 ( 2 ) 1043 - 1067 2022.4
Are founder-CEOs resilient to crises? The impact of founder-CEO succession on new firm survival Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
International Small Business Journal 40 ( 2 ) 205 - 235 2022.3
Public or perish? From founding to initial public offering Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Review of Managerial Science 15 ( 6 ) 1573 - 1610 2021.8
The impact of founders' human capital on initial capital structure: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Technovation 100 ( 102191 ) 2021.2
Petty cash from parents: provision of liquidity to spin-offs by trade credit channel Reviewed International journal
Kazuo Yamada, Yuji Honjo
Journal of Small Business Management 58 ( 5 ) 923 - 947 2020.9
The link between entrepreneurship and informal investment: an international comparison Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Hiroki Nakamura
Japan and the World Economy 54 ( 101012 ) 2020.6
Correction to: Do initial financial conditions determine the exit routes of start-up firms? (Journal of Evolutionary Economics, (2019), 29, 3, (1119-1147), 10.1007/s00191-019-00623-0)
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 29 ( 3 ) 1149 2019.7
Do initial financial conditions determine the exit routes of start-up firms? Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 29 ( 3 ) 1119 - 1147 2019.7
Do profitable start-ups grow faster? Evidence from Colombia Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Cuadernos de Economia 37 727 - 754 2018.12
The turnover of market leaders in growing and declining industries: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Noriyuki Doi, Yasushi Kudo
Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade 18 ( 2 ) 121 - 138 2018.6
Initial public offering and financing of biotechnology start-ups: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Sadao Nagaoka
Research Policy 47 ( 1 ) 180 - 193 2018.2
Entrepreneurial human capital and the survival of new firms in high- and low-tech sectors Reviewed International journal
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Journal of Evolutionary Economics 25 ( 5 ) 925 - 957 2015.11
Why are entrepreneurship levels so low in Japan? Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Japan and the World Economy 36 88 - 101 2015.11
Does founders' human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japanese start-ups Reviewed International journal
Masatoshi Kato, Hiroyuki Okamuro, Yuji Honjo
Journal of Small Business Management 53 ( 1 ) 114 - 128 2015.1
R&D investment of start-up firms: does founders’ human capital matter? Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato, Hiroyuki Okamuro
Small Business Economics 42 ( 2 ) 207 - 220 2014.2
Determinants of R&D cooperation in Japanese start-ups Reviewed International journal
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Research Policy 40 ( 5 ) 728 - 738 2011.6
Initial public offering intention: evidence from start-up firms in Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Kenji Kutsuna
Corporate Ownership and Control 7 ( 4 ) 127 - 141 2010
The persistence of market leadership: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Industrial and Corporate Change 18 ( 6 ) 1107 - 1133 2009.12
SME policy, financial structure and firm growth: Evidence from Japan Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo, Nobuyuki Harada
Small Business Economics 27 ( 4-5 ) 289 - 300 2006.12
Market share instability and the dynamics of competition: A panel data analysis of Japanese manufacturing industries Reviewed International journal
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Review of Industrial Organization 28 ( 2 ) 165 - 182 2006.3
Does the Creative Business Promotion Law enhance SMEs' capital investments? Evidence from a panel dataset of unlisted SMEs in Japan Reviewed International journal
Nobuyuki Harada, Yuji Honjo
Japan and the World Economy 17 ( 4 ) 395 - 406 2005.12
Growth of new start-up firms: evidence from the Japanese manufacturing industry Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Applied Economics 36 ( 4 ) 343 - 355 2004.3
Do innovative start-ups really wish to go public? Evidence from Japanese electrical manufacturing companies Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Applied Economics Letters 8 ( 7 ) 493 - 497 2001.7
Business failure of new software firms Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
Applied Economics Letters 7 ( 9 ) 575 - 579 2000.9
Business failure of new firms: an empirical analysis using a multiplicative hazards model Reviewed International journal
Yuji Honjo
International Journal of Industrial Organization 18 ( 4 ) 557 - 574 2000.5
長岡貞男, 本庄裕司( Role: Contributor)
東京大学出版会 2024.3
Ofloxacin and Levofloxacin (Tarivid/Cravit) (Drug Discovery in Japan)
Yasushi Hara, Yuji Honjo, Sadao, Nagaoka( Role: Contributor)
Springer 2019.12
Competition, Innovation, and Growth in Japan
Springer 2017.5
Competition, Innovation, and Growth in Japan
Yuji Honjo( Role: Edit)
Springer 2017.5
原康史, 本庄裕司( Role: Contributor)
日経BP社 2016.3
本庄裕司( Role: Sole author)
同友館 2010.11
本庄裕司, 社団法人全国信用金庫協会編, 村本孜監修( Role: Contributor)
近代セールス社 2010.1
テキスト ライフサイクルから見た中小企業論
安田武彦, 高橋徳行, 忽那憲治, 本庄裕司( Role: Joint author)
同友館 2007.12
本庄裕司, 橘木俊詔, 安田武彦編( Role: Contributor)
ナカニシヤ出版 2006.12
本庄裕司, 忽那憲治, 安田武彦編( Role: Contributor第4章分担執筆)
白桃書房 2005.6
本庄裕司, 国民生活金融公庫総合研究( Role: Contributor)
中小企業リサーチセンター 2004.7
「スタートアップ企業のイノベーション ―広域多摩地域を対象としたアンケート調査をもとに―」『グローバルな時代の経営革新』
本庄裕司, 遠山暁編( Role: Contributor第4章分担執筆)
中央大学出版部 中央大学企業研究所 2003.10
本庄裕司, 林昇, 高橋宏幸編( Role: Contributor第12章分担執筆)
中央経済社 2003.5
本庄裕司, 後藤晃, 小田切宏之( Role: Contributor第5章分担執筆)
NTT出版 2003.3
Yuji Honjo, Yuya Ikeda, Koki Kurihara
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 24-E-60 ) 2024.6
Outside or inside the firm? The impact of debt financing on the exit routes of start-up firms
Yuji Honjo, Yunosuke Iwaki, Masatoshi Kato
TDB-CAREE Discussion Paper Series ( E-2023-03 ) 2024.1
吉田悠記子, 本庄裕司
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 23-J-046 ) 2023.11
長岡貞男, 本庄裕司
ポリシー・ディスカッション・ペーパー ( 23-P-026 ) 2023.11
書評:大橋弘著『競争政策の経済学―人口減少・デジタル化・産業政策―』 Invited
経済研究 74 ( 1-2 ) 031623 2023.10
独立行政法人経済産業研究所 コラム・寄稿 2023.9
スタートアップ企業の資金調達 Invited
商工金融 ( 2023年4月 ) 5 - 28 2023.4
不確実な時代のベンチャー起業家に期待されるもの Invited
調査月報 ( 174 ) 5 - 7 2023.3
スタートアップにおける人的資本の役割 Invited
経済セミナー ( 730 ) 23 - 29 2023.1
スタートアップ推進に向けての課題 Invited
RIETI Highlight ( 93 ) 14 - 15 2023.1
Determinants of campaign success: Empirical evidence from equity crowdfunding in Japan
Koki Kurihara, Yuji Honjo
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 22-E-057 ) 2022.6
Does risk aversion affect individuals’ actions and interests in angel investing? Empirical evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Kenta Ikeuchi, Hiroki Nakamura
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 22-E-040 ) 2022.4
ようやく浸透した日本版LLC Invited
RIETI Highlight (独立行政法人経済産業研究所 コラム・寄稿) ( 90 ) 29 - 31 2022.3
内田浩史, 郭チャリ, 本庄裕司
国民経済雑誌 225 ( 3 ) 1 - 29 2022.3
企業研究 ( 39 ) 143 - 165 2021.8
Graduation of initial public offering firms from junior stock markets: Evidence from the Tokyo Stock Exchange
Yuji Honjo, Koki Kurihara
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 21-E-049 ) 2021.7
加藤雅俊, 本庄裕司
日本経済新聞「経済教室」 ( 5月20日付朝刊 ) 23 - 23 2021.5
新型コロナウイルス禍におけるスタートアップ企業の資金調達―STARTUP DB を用いた調査―
加藤雅俊, 本庄裕司
Discussion Paper Series 2021.3
日本政策金融公庫論集 ( 50 ) 47 - 67 2021.2
CEO Succession and new-firm performance: Does successor origin matter?
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 213 ) 2020.5
Do entrepreneurs have high life satisfaction? Evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Kenta Ikeuchi, Hiroki Nakamura
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 19-E-083 ) 2019.10
Potentiality and actuality: Characteristics and linkage of entrepreneurs and angel investors in Japan
Hiroki Nakamura, Yuji Honjo, Kenta Ikeuchi
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 19-E-089 ) 2019.10
The effect of physical collateral and personal guarantees on business start-ups RIETI Discussion Paper Series
Yuji Honjo, Arito Ono, Daisuke Tsuruta
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 19-E-087 ) 2019.10
プラットフォームからビジネスを考える Invited
商工金融 ( 2019年9月 ) 56 - 57 2019.9
It's a small world! ―日本のアントレプレナーシップを考える― Invited
独立行政法人経済産業研究所 コラム・寄稿 2019.7
中村寛樹, 本庄裕司
REITI Discussion Paper Series ( 19-J-015 ) 2019.3
Promoting support for start-ups
Yuji Honjo, Luca Grilli, Erik Stam, Massimo Colombo, Ing-Kuen Lai
T20 Japan, Policy Brief 2019.3
The link between entrepreneurial activities and angel investment: an international comparison
Yuji Honjo, Hiroki Nakamura
RIETI Discussion Paper Series ( 19-E-017 ) 2019.3
The unbalanced levels of entrepreneurship between women and men
Yuji Honjo, Hiroki Nakamura, Xiaoxu Sun
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 49 ) 2019.3
REITI Highlight ( 72 ) 38 - 41 2019.1
統計 ( 2018年9月号 ) 30 - 36 2018.9
内田浩史, 郭チャリ・畠田敬, 本庄裕司, 家森信善
経営研究 ( 66 ) 1 - 60 2018.4
企業研究 ( 32 ) 78 - 104 2018.2
沈政郁, 大西宏一郎, 本庄裕司
Discussion Paper Series ( 2017-2 ) 2017.5
Does patenting always help new-firm survival?
Masatoshi Kato, Koichiro, Onishi, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 159 ) 2017.5
Petty cash from parents:|rn|provision liquidity to spin-offs by trade credit channel
Kazuo Yamada, Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 41 ) 2017.4
The impact of entrepreneurial human capital on initial funding: evidence from Japan
YUJI Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 42 ) 2017.4
Public or perish: initial public offering of start-up firms in Japan
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 38 ) 2016.3
The turnover of market leaders in growing and declining industries
Yuji Honjo, Noriyuki Doi, Yasushi Kudo
CPRC Discussion Paper Series ( 63-E ) 2016.3
Do initial financial conditions determine the fate of start-up firms?
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
Discussion Paper Series ( 139 ) 2016.1
Initial public offering and financing of biotechnology start-ups: evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Sadao Nagaoka
IIR Working Paper ( WP#15-20 ) 2015.9
組織科学 49 ( 1 ) 4 - 18 2015.9
原泰史, 本庄裕司
IIRワーキングペーパー ( WP#15-15 ) 2015.8
Trade credit or bank loans? Debt choice of start-up firms in Japan
Yuya Ikeda, Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 35 ) 2015.4
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 清水由美
IIRワーキングペーパー ( WP#15-01 ) 2015.1
Why are entrepreneurship levels so low in Japan?
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 33 ) 2014.9
土井教之, 本庄裕司, 工藤恭嗣
共同研究報告書 ( CR01-14 ) 2014.9
25 5 - 31 2014.9
日本経済新聞「経済教室」 ( 7月4日付朝刊 ) 29 2014.7
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 清水由美
IIRワーキングペーパー ( WP#13-22 ) 2014.2
公正取引 ( 757 ) 84 2013.11
Why do firms go private for restructuring? Evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Yuya Ikeda
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 30 ) 2013.5
Survival and distinct exit routes of new firms
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 101 ) 2013.3
高橋徳行, 磯辺剛彦, 本庄裕司, 安田武彦, 鈴木正明
RIETIディスカッションペーパー ( 13-J-015 ) 2013.3
商学論纂 54 ( 5 ) 499 - 531 2013.2
バイオベンチャーの成長に向けての課題 ―科学的源泉に注目して―
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 清水由美
IIRワーキングペーパー ( WP#13-03 ) 2013.1
商学論纂 53 ( 5-6 ) 981 - 998 2012.3
バイオベンチャーの成長への課題 ―提携と代表者の交代を中心に―
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 清水由美
IIRワーキングペーパー ( WP#12-01 ) 2012.1
Does founders’ human capital matter for innovation? Evidence from Japanese start-ups
Kato Masatoshi, Hiroyuki Okamuro, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 78 ) 2011.12
The impact of internal finance on capital growth: evidence from start-up firms in Japan
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 28 ) 2011.3
Heterogeneous exits: evidence from new firms
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 64 ) 2010.11
Science-based business: knowledge capital or entrepreneurial ability? Theory and evidence from a survey of biotechnology start-ups
Serguey Braguinsky, Yuji Honjo, Sadao Nagaoka, Kenta Nakamura
IIR Working Paper ( WP#10-05 ) 2010.9
バイオベンチャーの成長への課題 ―資金調達,コア技術,アライアンス,特許制度に関する調査を中心に―
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 清水由美
IIR Working Paper ( WP#10-03 ) 2010.7
R&D financing of start-up firms: How much does founders' human capital matter?
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato, Hiroyuki Okamuro
CEI Working Paper Series ( 2009-15 ) 2010.3
企業診断 57 ( 56 ) 50 - 54 2010.1
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 66 - 70 2009.12
書評:小野有人『新時代の中小企業金融 貸出手法の再構築に向けて』(東洋経済新報社)
日本政策金融公庫論集 ( 5 ) 83 - 84 2009.11
高鳥登志郎, 中村健太, 長岡貞男, 本庄裕司
IIR Working Paper ( WP#09-07 ) 2009.11
Determinants of R&D cooperation in Japanese high-tech start-ups
Hiroyuki Okamuro, Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
CEI Working Paper Series ( 2009-7 ) 2009.11
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 12 - 16 2009.11
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 18 - 22 2009.10
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 18 - 22 2009.9
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男, 中村健太, 森下節夫, 清水由美
IIR Working Paper ( WP#09-06 ) 2009.8
マーケットリーダーシップの変化 ―日本の製造業の実証分析―
加藤雅俊, 本庄裕司
企業研究 ( 15 ) 65 - 79 2009.8
Chuo business review ( 15 ) 39 - 63 2009.8
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 66 - 70 2009.8
企業研究 ( 15 ) 1 - 4 2009.8
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 12 - 16 2009.7
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 18 - 22 2009.6
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 12 - 16 2009.5
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 12 - 17 2009.4
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 14 - 18 2009.3
企業診断 56 ( 56 ) 14 - 18 2009.2
An empirical analysis of determinants of share repurchases: evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Takehiro Ueda
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 23 ) 2008.12
Turnover of market leaders: an empirical analysis based on a discrete-time duration model
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 20 ) 2008.3
イノベーティブな中小企業とは ―機械・電機・情報系企業を対象としたアンケート調査にもとづく実証分析―
中小企業総合研究 ( 8 ) 1 - 26 2007.11
R&D efficiency and firm size in the Japanese pharmaceutical industry Reviewed
Qin-Chang Zhang, Yuji Honjo
医療と社会 17 ( 2 ) 195 - 206 2007.8
The persistence of market leadership: evidence from Japan
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
HJBS Working Paper Series ( 51 ) 2007.6
The persistence of market leadership: evidence from Japan
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
HJBS Working Paper Series ( 51 ) 2007.6
Start-up funding gaps and entrepreneurial human capital
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 17 ) 2007.3
Start-up funding gaps and entrepreneurial human capital
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 17 ) 2007.3
Does technological diversification affect R&D performance? Evidence from the Japanese pharmaceutical industry
Qin-Chang Zhang, Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 18 ) 2007.3
企業研究 ( 10 ) 1 - 12 2007.2
On the relationship between R&D efficiency and firm size: evidence from the Japanese pharmaceutical industry
Yuji Honjo, Qin-Chang Zhang
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 16 ) 2006.8
Start-up financing choice and post-entry performance
Kenji Kutsuna, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series 2006 ( 33 ) 2006.7
The turnover of market leaders in Japanese manufacturing industries
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
CPRC Discussion Papers ( 22-E ) 2006.7
RIETIディスカッションペーパー ( 06-J-047 ) 2006.6
イノベーションと企業規模 -東京都の機械・電機製造業企業を対象とした実証分析-
中堅中小企業の研究開発マネジメントと人的資源 -製品開発におけるマネジメント人材の活用- ( H17-5 ) 17 - 34 2006.3
An empirical analysis of the initial public offering intention: evidence from start-up firms in Japan
Yuji Honjo, Kenji Kutsuna
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 15 ) 2005.12
External equity at start-up and post-entry performance: evidence from Japan
Kenji Kutsuna, Yuji Honjo
Discussion Paper Series ( 46 ) 2005.12
The stability of market leadership positions in Japanese manufacturing industries
Masatoshi Kato, Yuji Honjo
CPRC Discussion Papers ( 15-E ) 2005.4
事業の撤退か継続か -大田区・東大阪市を対象とした実証分析-
本庄裕司, 安田武彦
RIETIディスカッションペーパー ( 05-J-007 ) 2005.3
The impact of entrepreneur human capital on start-up financing
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 14 ) 2004.10
榊原清則, 本庄裕司, 古賀款久
Discussion Paper ( 37 ) 2004.10
A panel data analysis of market share instability
Yuji Honjo, Masatoshi Kato
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 13 ) 2004.4
一般機械・電気機械・精密機械産業に見る山梨県産業の動向 13 - 25 2003.12
本庄裕司, 久保文克, 秋澤光
IBRUC Working Paper Series ( 12 ) 2003.11
SME policy, capital structure and firm growth: evidence from Japan
Yuji Honjo, Nobuyuki Harada
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 11 ) 2003.10
Does the creatieve business promotion law enhance SMEs' capital investment? Evidence from a panel dataset of unlisted SMEs in Japan
Nobuyuki Harada, Yuji Honjo
JCER Discussion Paper ( 88 ) 2003.10
本庄裕司, 楊黍晴
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 10 ) 2003.7
新規開業研究会報告書 -企業家活動に関する研究の進展および有効な支援システムの構築に向けて- 1 - 18 2003.3
本庄裕司, 忽那憲治
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 8 ) - 54 2003.2
平成13年版中小企業パフォーマンスに係る政策評価手法の開発に関する調査研究 23 - 41 2002.4
新規参入と退出の計量分析 Reviewed
日本経済研究 ( 44 ) 106 - 121 2002.3
Comprehensive Evaluation Using a Non-uniform Evaluation Model
Honjo Yuji
The journal of commerce 43 ( 6 ) 407 - 420 2002.3
Growth of start-up firms: Evidence from the Japanese manufacturing industry
Yuji Honjo
IBRCU Working Paper Series ( 6 ) 2001.9
Determinants of Growth among Start-ups : An Empirical Analysis of Japanese Manufacturing Firms
Honjo Yuji
The journal of commerce 42 ( 5 ) 351 - 373 2001.3
Survival of Start-ups and Industrial Characteristics : An Empirical Analysis
Honjo Yuji
The journal of commerce 42 ( 1-2 ) 73 - 93 2000.12
榊原清則, 古賀款久, 本庄裕司, 近藤一徳
調査資料 ( 73 ) 106 2000.9
Entry and exit in the Japanese manufacturing industries
Yuji Honjo
IPPS Discussion Paper Series ( 812 ) 1999.2
Do venture businesses really wish to go public? An empirical analysis
Yuji Honjo
IPPS Discussion Paper Series ( 832 ) 1998.8
Survival of new software houses: a first report
IPPS Discussion Paper Series ( 780 ) 1998.6
DEAを用いた製薬企業の研究開発活動の評価 Reviewed
本庄裕司, 羽田尚子
研究技術計画 13 ( 1・2 ) 96 - 105 1998.4
Business failure of new firms: an empirical analysis using a multiplicative hazards model
Yuji Honjo
IPPS Discussion Paper Series ( 740 ) 557 - 574 1997.8
小田切宏之, 羽田尚子, 本庄裕司
医療と社会 7 ( 1 ) 34 - 45 1997.5
DEA Exclusion Modelによる企業の相対評価
本庄裕司, 浜田充
経営情報学会春季大会予稿集 97 - 101 1996.5
小田切宏之, 本庄裕司
通産研究レビュー ( 6 ) 1995.11
小田切宏之, 本庄裕司
通商産業研究所ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ 95 ( DOJ-55 ) 1995.3
Information Processing and Operating Procedure by Use of PC FAX/Modems and Related Peripherals
Watanabe Shosuke, Honjo Yuji
2 ( 1 ) 93 - 101 1994.9
Do entrepreneurs have high life satisfaction? Evidence from Japan International conference
Yuji Honjo
Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business ( Berlin ) 2019.11
The impact of entrepreneurial human capital on initial funding: evidence from Japan International conference
Yuji Honjo
Asia-Pacific Industrial Organization Conference ( Auckland ) 2017.12
Do initial financial conditions determine the fate of start-up firms? International conference
Yuji Honjo
Initernational Joseph A. Shumpeter Society Conference ( Montreal ) 2016.7
The impact of initial financial conditions on survival and exit: evidence from start-up firms in Japan International conference
Yuji Honjo
Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business 2015.11
Initial public offerings of start-up firms: evidence from Japan International conference
Yuji Honjo
Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference ( Sydney ) 2014.11
Entry and growth performance of biotech firms in Japan International conference
Yuji Honjo
Comparative Analysis of Enterprise Data ( Tokyo ) 2010.10
2021.3 中央大学
2020.7 企業家研究フォーラム Initial public offering and financing of biotechnology start-ups: Evidence from Japan
本庄裕司, 長岡貞男
2015.7 企業家研究フォーラム R&D investment of start-up firms: does founders' human capital matter?
岡室博之, 本庄裕司, 加藤雅俊
Empirical studies on high-tech start-ups: The roles of venture capital and public support
Grant number:21H00719 2021.4 - 2024.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) Kwansei Gakuin University
Grant amount: \17160000 ( Direct Cost: \13200000 、 Indirect Cost: \3960000 )
Founder human capital and its change in high-growth start-ups
Grant number:20K01618 2020.4 - 2023.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Chuo University
Grant amount: \4160000 ( Direct Cost: \3200000 、 Indirect Cost: \960000 )
Growth process from founding to exit strategy in newly emerging industries
Grant number:17K03713 2017.4 - 2021.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) Chuo University
Honjo Yuji
Grant amount: \4550000 ( Direct Cost: \3500000 、 Indirect Cost: \1050000 )
This study empirically examines whether firm-specific characteristics, including initial ownership structure and financing, and entrepreneur-specific characteristics affect exit (sellout) strategy, such as initial public offering (IPO) and merger, in addition to post-entry performance, using data on Japanese start-up firms. The major findings of this study are as follows: (1) high-tech and high-risk start-ups are more likely to go public earlier than others, (2) start-up firms that rely more on are more likely to survive, and (3) start-up firms managed by entrepreneurial inventors are more likely to use equity financing, while those reliant on debt financing are less likely to grow at a higher rate.
Research on startup finance to support regional revitalization
Grant number:16H02027 2016.4 - 2021.3
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Kobe University
UCHIDA Hirofumi
Grant amount: \48490000 ( Direct Cost: \37300000 、 Indirect Cost: \11190000 )
This project comprehended the status of startup finance and analyzed the mechanism of fund raising and its effects in Japan. Our main achievements include: (1) the development of data on startup firms using publicly available statistics and our original surveys, and the clarification of the current status of startup finance in Japan with some international and historical comparisons; (2) the clarification of the methods of startup finance, determinants of financial constraint, and ex post performance of startup firms; and (3) the clarification of detailed status of, and mechanisms behind credit guarantee, IPOs and the exits, the role of banks, and other issues related to startup firms by focusing on individual funding sources.
2014.4 - 2017.3
文部科学省 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B)
本庄 裕司
2013.4 - 2016.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)-基盤研究(C)
Authorship:Coinvestigator(s) Grant type:Competitive
2011.11 - 2014.11
Grant type:Competitive
2008.4 - 2011.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(日本学術振興会・文部科学省)
Authorship:Principal investigator Grant type:Competitive
Quantitative and Qualitative Study on the Life Cycle and Innovation of Research-intensive Firms
Grant number:20243018 2008 - 2011
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) Hitotsubashi University
OKAMURO Hiroyuki, MINATO Tetsuo, MITSUI Itsutomo, YASUDA Takehiko, TAKAHASHI Miki, HORI Kiyoshi, HARADA Nobuyuki, HONJO Yuji, FUKUGAWA Nobuya, TSUCHIYA Ryuichiro, KATO Masatoshi, HAMADA Yasuyuki, MURAKAMI Yoshiaki, SUZUKI Suzuki, SHIBAYAMA Kiyohiko, SHIMADA Hiroshi, IKEUCHI Kenta, NISHIMURA Junichi
Grant amount: \41470000 ( Direct Cost: \31900000 、 Indirect Cost: \9570000 )
Based on a series of repeated surveys since November 2008 for new incorporations after January 2007, we constructed an original dataset on the founders' characteristics, financing, employment, R & D and innovation, and firm performance especially for R & D-oriented start-up firms. Using this dataset, we empirically examined the effects of founders' human capital on R & D by start-up firms(R & D funding, research collaboration, and innovation outcomes). We also carried out complementary studies on self-employment income by using anonymous comprehensive micro data from an official census. Moreover, we conducted a survey and several case studies on intellectual clusters and cluster policies to investigate the relationship between cluster policy, entrepreneurship and innovation and to evaluate cluster policies from international perspectives
2005.4 - 2007.3
中央大学 中央大学特定課題研究費
2005.4 - 2007.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C)
Grant type:Competitive
2003.4 - 2005.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B)
Grant type:Competitive
2002.4 - 2004.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究C2)
Grant type:Competitive
2002.4 - 2003.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(若手研究B)
2001.4 - 2002.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(奨励研究A)
1999.4 - 2000.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費)
Grant type:Competitive
1996.4 - 1998.3
文部科学省 科学研究費補助金(特別研究員奨励費)
Grant type:Competitive